Completing a RAVS® Plus Assessment

Audit and Assessment words for ISN® RAVS® Plus

ISNetworld® RAVS® Plus Audit Explained

If you’re reading this, you’ve likely received an ISNetworld® notification stating that your company has been chosen to participate in a RAVS® Plus Audit or Assessment. Probably, it was a request to schedule a RAVS® Plus interview with an ISN® HSE professional. Don’t panic!

The word “audit” has a negative connotation; your feelings are valid; however, Cascade QMS can help.

RAVS® Plus Assessment Purpose

Overall, the assessment aims to ensure that the safety documentation your company submitted is being utilized. ISN® will require actual testing records, rosters, and other documents outlining your company’s safety practices. The assessment is specific to your scope of work and is performed for all requiring Hiring Clients utilizing ISNetworld®.

The RAVS® Plus Assessment consists of two simple parts: 1) The RAVS® Plus Interview and 2) Submission of the required documentation.

RAVS® Plus Interview

Step one is selecting the appropriate time to meet with your ISNetworld HSE professional. It’s suggested by ISNetworld® to allow 2 hours for this interview; however, most are completed within about 1.5 hours. When preparing for your interview, involving at least one additional employee who manages your safety policies and procedures or assists with your management is best.


Worth noting here: ISN® does not permit outside consultants to attend. The reason is that questions will be asked around topics such as safety culture and activities in your company.

Additionally, you will be asked to select five craft-level employees to complete an online safety evaluation. This request will only be made for sole proprietors or those with craft-level employees. These employees will not be asked to join the meeting. However, they will be asked to complete the evaluation before your interview. This evaluation is mobile-friendly and only takes about 30 minutes to complete.


Post Interview

The HSE professional will review all of your provided information. After the RAVS Plus Assessment, you will be tasked with addressing any gaps found during your interview. These requirements will be referred to as Open Items until satisfied with appropriate evidence or corrective actions dated after the interview. Each Open Item will include detailed notes on what’s required, and rejection notes if a submission is not accepted.

Most Common RAVS® Plus Requirements

While your company’s scope of work may be unique, there is a commonality among each industry’s standards. We find a variety of the following to be the most recently requested:

  • Signed Safety Policy Statement
  • Aerial Lift Pre-Use Inspection Checklist
  • Crane Inspection Form
  • Fall Protection Equipment Inspection Checklist
  • First Aid Kit Inspection Checklist
  • Forklift and Industrial Truck Inspection Checklist
  • Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Authorized Person List
  • Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection Checklist
  • Noise Exposure Monitoring Form
  • Respirator Fit Test Summary

Why Safety Checklists?

Safety checklists hold significant importance across various industries and contexts for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost, they play a crucial role in mitigating risks by systematically identifying and addressing potential hazards. Through the structured approach that checklists provide, individuals can ensure that all necessary safety precautions are considered, thereby reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries. Moreover, these checklists promote consistency in safety procedures, ensuring that every team member adheres to the same set of guidelines, which, in turn, minimizes the risk of human error.

In addition to risk management, safety checklists are invaluable for compliance with industry regulations and standards. Regulatory bodies and governmental agencies often establish strict safety requirements, and these checklists serve as documentation of adherence to these essential guidelines. They also serve as powerful tools for training and education. By offering a visual reference for best practices and safety protocols, checklists help individuals learn and comprehend how to perform tasks safely.

Furthermore, checklists facilitate accountability within organizations by creating a clear record of safety measures taken. In case of accidents or incidents, this documentation proves invaluable in determining responsibility and accountability. Effective communication within teams is another benefit, as team members can collaborate and discuss safety measures, ensuring everyone is aligned with safety protocols.

Safety checklists also assist in prioritizing safety within workflows and preparedness for emergencies. They can include steps for responding to critical situations, such as fires, chemical spills, or medical emergencies. Additionally, regular review and updates to these checklists contribute to a culture of continuous improvement in safety procedures, fostering a commitment to ongoing enhancement in safety practices.


Promoting Risk Management

In situations of legal disputes or accidents, well-documented safety checklists provide legal protection for organizations by demonstrating their commitment to safety and adherence to industry standards. Moreover, they enhance efficiency by reducing the likelihood of errors, accidents, and rework, which can be costly and time-consuming. As a result, safety checklists not only protect employees and ensure compliance but also boost confidence, job satisfaction, and overall morale within the workforce, ultimately creating a safer and more productive work environment.

Exemption Request

Your ISN® HSE professional will discuss in detail your scope of work. If your area of work does not require the procedures for any of the open items, you will be given the option to submit for an exemption. Exemption requests are simple as they are formal statements that your company’s operations do not encounter hazards demanding the requested procedures. Your assigned HSE professional will work closely with you to ensure completion of your audit.

Does an open RAVS® Plus Audit impact grades?

Hiring Clients can determine how they use and score their contractors based on audit/assessment results. For many Hiring Client connections, the audit needs to be grade-impacting.

There are other companies, however, that place significant value in the information provided within your audit. Most companies will have a 60-day grace period before their grades are impacted.

RAVS® Plus Frequency

Each hiring client has individual requirements for when their contractors undergo the RAVS® Plus Assessment. Let’s take PG&E® for example. At the time of this article, new contractors working for PG&E® or those who haven’t worked for PG&E® within two years will be required to undergo an audit. The frequency of Pacific Gas and Electric®’s requirements is understandable due to their commitment to safety.

All in all, the triggering of this assessment is based on your selected work types and your Hiring Client’s specific requirements. It’s an excellent opportunity to ensure your company is in compliance and has current resources and metrics documented.

Audit Completion

The pressure of having to undergo any assessment of internal operations can be cause for a variety of emotions. Not only can they be precise, but also time-consuming. Having a Safety Consultant in your wing can prove value almost instantly. In addition to Cascade QMS having quality tools and documents to assist with your audit, we also have seasoned staff with years of experience navigating ISNetworld® requirements. From written safety programs to TRAVS®, we’ve got you covered. We’ll ensure that you feel confident and prepared for your interview. We’ll address the gaps and open items in an expedited fashion as part of our ISNetworld® Management Plan. You’ll be happy you called, so do it today!

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