Our Employee Handbooks are created and customized to fit your specific industry.
At Cascade QMS we provide comprehensive safety programs developed with your specific needs in mind. Each program is written to fit your needs as well as the needs of contractor vetting processes. Quality, compliance and comprehension.
Individual Safety Programs – Written to comply with major vetting system requirements, these can also be consdered as a RAV in ISNetworld®. Choose your desired programs from our Program Brochure. Your program(s) will be ready within hours.
Full Safety Manual – A Cascade QMS consultant will work with you to determine which safety programs should complete a Safety Manual for your company. Complete with a table of contents and logo customization. Our Safety Manuals are guaranteed to meet compliance standards of all major pre-qualification systems such as: Veriforce®, Avetta® and ISNetworld®.

Safety Manual Facelift – The perfect solution for companies that already have a Safety Manual. A Cascade QMS consultan will work directly with you to formulate a remodel of your existing manual. New formats, Table of Contents, and additional programs may be needed to bring your existing documentation up to compliance standards.
Our mission is to enhance the safety culture of each company we assist. All of our services were designed with your individuality in mind. No two companies are the same! We offer a vast array of support channels which are customized to suit your needs. We offer one on one consultations to identify which solution is best for you. We expedite each request and follow-up to ensure quality.

Avetta Account Management
New Avetta Account Setup
Avetta Management
Manual Audit Completion

Veriforce® Management Plan
New Veriforce Account Setup
Veriforce Account Management
Veriforce Written Programs

ISNetworld® Management Plan
New ISNetworld Account Setup
ISNetworld Management Plan
ISNet RAVS Programs

Highwire Account Management
New Highwire Account Setup
Highwire Account Management
Highwire Safety Programs

Vero Account Management
New Vero Account Setup
Vero Account Management
Vero Safety Programs

Safety Certification Programs
Contractor Pre-Qualification systems, D&A Programs, Training Certifications.