over 40 years of industry experience

Get ISNetworld Certified in 3 Easy Steps

Expedited ISNetworld account creation and management, just one call away! Work with bigger hiring clients and grow your business.

Begin Your Certification Journey Today!

Same Day Submission

Save up to $25,000 over 200 hours

Benefits of ISNetworld® Certification

Unsure if getting certified is worth the investment? We can think of a few reasons it’s well worth the return.

Higher Paying Job Contracts

Being part of ISNetworld® offers your company visibility to numerous hiring clients, including major corporations seeking dependable contractors and suppliers. This exposure can lead to substantial profits and steady work opportunities. In the end, being in the ISN® network truly pays off.

Ensure Safety Compliance

Joining ISNetworld® requires your company to meet safety compliance and industry-specific standards. Achieving ISN® certification demonstrates that your company consistently upholds the highest safety practices and prioritizes employee well-being. As industry regulations evolve, you can be confident that your company remains compliant with the latest requirements.

Exposure to Hundreds of Hiring Clients

By joining the ISN® database, your company gains visibility to a wide network of hiring clients who may reach out for specific projects. If you’re seeking new clients or aiming to enhance your industry presence, this certification can be a valuable asset. Once you’re vetted into the network, hiring clients can evaluate your qualifications and safety standards, allowing them to confidently move forward with engaging your services.

Higher Paying Job Contracts

Within the ISN® network, your company will undergo regular evaluations to ensure compliance with the latest safety regulations. This process requires you to stay current with industry-specific updates and changes. ISNetworld® supports this by offering safety training and programs to keep you informed.

fast, Accurate Certification Support

3-Steps to ISNetworld Certification

1. Quick and Free Consultation

Skip the sales process! Get an immediate introduction to your lifetime-dedicated Cascade account manager.

New account? 

We’ll discuss company safety protocols and hiring client requirements to verify the proper synergy. We’ll explain the process in detail providing honest and realistic expectations to ensure a successful experience.


Existing account? 

Cascade account manager will perform a quick grade analysis identifying opportunities for improvements and remedies for root cause safety issues.

During the onboarding phase, we’ll assist in initiating your ISNetworld membership. We will then run through a brief questionnaire, gathering details about your company.

Your dedicated account manager immediately rolls up their sleeves and expedites all tasks. Average review time is 2-3 days from account onboarding. We’ll closely monitor your account to ensure best possible grades are obtained in the quickest possible timeframe.

man and woman pointing
Person wearing harness climbing up stairs.
Account management

ISNetworld® Complete Setup:

Account Management Made Easy with Cascade QMS. Our ISNetworld® Complete Setup program assigns you a dedicated account manager right from the start. We handle it all – from crafting or revising your safety programs to ensuring you meet specific client hiring requirements, making your ISNetworld® compliance seamless and stress-free.

Everything we do as your compliance partner

Help initiate ISNetworld® membership (if not yet an enrolled member)

Assist in creating and uploading OSHA 300A and 300 logs

Develop and submit all required Written Safety Programs (RAVS®).

Provide assistance with requesting client connection through professional correspondence (if needed).

Manage employee login access, assign training and create and order ISNetworld badges.

Perform immediate grade analysis and offer solutions to enhance your scores.

Supply Hiring Client / Owner Client-specific documentation

Perform grade analysis to ensure your best possible grade is achieved.

Upload quarterly statistics and monthly Site Tracker data

Coordinate with your Insurance Agent to acquire, review and upload COIs and Experience Modifier Rate (EMR) documents

What sets us apart?

Personable and Dedicated Support

We don’t have sales reps. Our clients meet their lifetime dedicated account manager on day 1!  We strive to become an extension of your team by taking the time to understand how your company, employees, and mission are unique. We’re responsive and responsible, offering personalized support.


Access to Safety and Compliance Materials (toolbox talks, safety programs, RAVS®, checklists, safety signage, safety templates)

Cost Advantages

A great solution for companies in need of an extra hand. Our seasoned team has years of experience managing safety procedures and navigating detailed hiring client requirements. Full-time safety personnel can be incredibly expensive! Our mission is to be a cost-effective solution. Our experience and industry knowledge are priceless assets to your team.  

Grade Safeguarding

A great solution for companies in need of an extra hand. Our seasoned team has years of experience managing safety procedures and navigating detailed hiring client requirements. Full-time safety personnel can be incredibly expensive! Our mission is to be a cost-effective solution. Our experience and industry knowledge are priceless assets to your team.  

Account management

Our Promise as Your Consultant Over the Next Year

Our promise as your dedicated account manager is to not only quickly obtain your best possible ISNetworld grade, but to safeguard it for the next 12 months. We’ll proactively monitor your account, ensure your safety programs stay up-to-date, and guide you through any changes in ISNetworld requirements. With us by your side, you can focus on your core business while we take the worry out of staying certified.

Man wearing hard hard holding clipboard and pencil

Perform immediate grade analysis and offer solutions to enhance your scores.

Coordinate with your Insurance Agent to acquire, review and upload  COIs and Experience Modifier Rate (EMR) documents

Supply Hiring Client / Owner Client-specific documentation

Assist in creating and uploading annual OSHA 300A and 300 Logs

Add additional employees into your system, providing them with login credentials and ID badges – assigning the trainings as needed.

Apply for variances when appropriate

Upload quarterly statistics and monthly Site Tracker data

Develop and submit any additionally required Written Safety Programs (RAVS®) through out the year.

Provide helpful tips on maximizing your ISNetworld® investment

Get Certified and Grow Your Business

Grow your business with the help of a lifetime account manager from Cascade QMS.

Get Certified Fast and Stay Compliant with Cascade QMS

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