About Us
We’re not your average business consulting company. We believe in utilizing quality and safety to gain competitive edge.
“You can’t buy time.” = False.
We’re actively selling time. Each of our services, documents and tools are designed to save you time.
Each Cascade QMS founder had one major commonality – an understanding of time. Streaming from small and large businesses, we noticed that time management problems are easily remedied with the appropriate documentation and processes. We’ve spent years collaborating and perfecting our services in order to consistantly provide you, our extended family, with more time.
“Quality is key.” = This one is actually True.
Not only will Quality keep you in business, it will GROW your business. Your safety and quality culture is a fantastic marketing tool! We’ve helped our clients start and grow their companies through means of simple applications. Safety Certifications, Manuals and even a consultant in your back pocket are bragging components.

Our Cascade QMS Consultants will work directly with you. We’ve been in the valleys, now we’re in the Cascades!
We appreciate your business.
-Team Cascade QMS
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Industries We Service:
- Oil and Gas
- Manufacturing
- Construction
- Transportation
- Healthcare
- Forestry
- Utilities
- Telecommunications
- Property Management
- Aerospace
- Mining
Pride in Quality.
We take pride in our services and adding value to your company. Our services are designed to help organize and aid in your companies quality. A solid Quality Management System is worth bragging about.